My world is totally dominated my limited eyesight! Everything I see, everything I touch and everything I do is conditioned by my perception of the world. But I don't have any complaints. For over fifty years I have been perfectly satisfied and fulfilled with the limited faculties that I possess. And I expect you have been too.
What we see and how we interpret the world is totally governed by the wavelength band of the visible spectrum. Our acuity is limited by the wavelength of visible light. This is good enough to see tiny detail, read small print and see large objects and to recognise people's faces but any detail at the atomic or even at the larger molecular level is unresovable. We see objects as being discrete and therefore give them discrete names, like car, brush, person etc. Were we to 'see' in other wavelengths we would have a totally different perception of 'things'. We use an electron microscope to see very small detail because the wavelength of very short wave electromagnetic radiation is smaller than the detail that we want to look at. But were we to have such vision the separateness of our perception under the visble spectrum would change to a connectedness when viewed with short wave radiation...
To be continued but please let me know what you think so far.
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